Семинарская и святоотеческая библиотеки.

Семинарская и святоотеческая

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Предыдущая Следующая

Ferguson E., ed. Literature and Early Church. New York and London, Garland Publ., 1993 (Studies in Early Christianity, II).

Ferguson E., ed. Orthodoxy, Heresy and Schism in Early Christianity. New York and London, Garland Publ., 1993 (Studies in Early Christianity, IV).

Ferguson E., ed. Personalities of the Early Church. New York and London, Garland Publ., 1993 (Studies in Early Christianity, I).

Ferguson E., ed. The Bible in the Early Church. New York and London, Garland Publ., 1993 (Studies in Early Christianity, III).

Ferguson E., ed. The Early Church and Greco–Roman Thought. New York and London, Garland Publ., 1993 (Studies in Early Christianity, VIII).

Ferguson John. Clement of Alexandria. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1974.

Festa N., hrsg. De communi mathematica scientia. (Teubner) 1841;

Festugière A. Les mémoires pythagorique cités par Alexandre Polyhistor. – Revue des études grecques 58 (1945), p. 1–65.

Festugière A.J. La Rélélation d’Hermès Trismégiste. 4 vols. Paris: J. Gabalda, 1949–54.

Filoramo Giovanni. A History of Gnosticism. English translation of “L’attesa della fine. Storia della gnosi” by A. Alcock. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.

Finan Thomas, Twomey Vincent. The Relationship between Neoplatonism and Christianity. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1992.

Floyd W.E.G. Clement of Alexandria’s Treatment of the Problem of Evil. Oxford, 1971.

Foerster W. Von Valentin zu Heracleon. Giessen, 1928.

Foester W. Gnosis: A Selection of Gnostic Texts. Vols. 1–2. Oxford, 1972.

Fontaine P.F.M. The Light and the Dark. A Cultural Study of Dualism. Vol. XIV: Dualism in Roman History. Amsterdam: Gieben Publ., 1999.

Fowden G. The Platonist Philosopher and his Circle in Late Antiquity. – Philosophia 7 (1977), p. 359–383.

Fowler D. H. The Mathematics of Plato’s Academy. A New Reconstruction. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.

Fränkel H. Early Greek Poetry and Philosophy. New York and London, 1973.

Fraschetti A. Aristarco e la origine tirreniche di Pitagora. – Helikon 15–16 (1975–76), p. 424–437 (on Aristarchus in Strom. I 62, 2).

Fredouille J.–C. Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique. (Etudes Augustiniennes). Paris, 1972.

Freudenthal Gad. Aristotle’s Theory of Material Substance. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.

Frickel Josef. Unerkannte Gnostische schriften in Hippolyts Refutatio. – Gnosis and Gnosticism. Hrsg. M. Krause. Leiden, 1977, p. 119–137.

Früchtel L. Klemens von Alexandria und Albinus. – Philologische Wochenschrift 57 (1937), S. 591–592.

Gabrielsson J. Ueber die Quellen des Clemens Alexandrinus. Bd. 1–2. Upsala, 1906–1909.

Glucker John. Antiochus and the Late Academy (Hypomnemata, Heft 56). Göttingen, 1978.

Good Deirdre. J. Sophia in Valentianism. – The Second Century 4 (1984), p. 193–201.

Goodenough E.R. A Neo-Pythagorean Source in Philo Judaeus. – Yale Classical Studies 3 (1932), p. 117–164.

Graf Franz. Eleusis und die orphische Dichtung Athens in vorhellenistischer Zeit. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1974.

Grant R.M. After the New Testament. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967.

Grant R.M. Dietary Laws among Pythagoreans, Jews and Christians. – Harvard Theological Review 73 (1980), p. 299–310.

Grant R.M. Early Alexandrian Christianity. – Church History 40 (1971), p. 133–144.

Grant R.M. Greek Apologists of the Second Century. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1988.

Grant R.M. Heresy and Criticism. The Search for Authenticity in Early Christian Literature. Louisville, Kentucky, 1993.

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