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McClain Ernst. The Pythagorean Plato: Prelude to the Song Itself. Stony Brook, N.Y.: Nicholas Hays, 1979.

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Ménard J.E., éd. Les Textes de Nag Hammadi. Leiden, 1975.

Merlan Philip. From Platonism to Neoplatonism. The Hague, M.Nijhoff, 1975.

Metzger Bruce M. The Canon of the New Testament. Its Origin, Development and Significance. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987.

Molland E. The conception of Gospel in the Alexandrian Theology. Oslo, 1938.

Mondésert C. Clément d' Alexandrie. Paris, 1944.

Moraldi L. Testi gnostici. Torino: Unione Tipografico, Editrice Torinese, 1982.

Moraux Paul. Der Aristotelismum bei den Griechen. Berlin, 1973–84.

Morrison J. S. Pythagoras of Samos. – Classical Quarterly (1956), p. 135–188.

Mortley R. La connaissance religeuse et herméneutique chez Clément d’ Alexandrie. Leiden, 1973.

Mortley R. The Theme of Silence in Clement of Alexandria. – Journal of Theological Studies 24 (1973), p. 197–207.

Moutsoulas E. Der Begriff Haeresie bei Epiphanius von Salamis. – Studia patristica VIII (TU 92). Berlin, 1966, S. 362–371.

Munz P. John Cassian. – Personalities of the Early Church. Ed. E. Ferguson. New York and London, Garland Publ., 1993 (Studies in Early Christianity, I), p. 353–375.

Napolitano L.M. Eudoro di Alessandria: Monismo, dualismo, assiologia dei principi nella tradizione platonica. – Museum Patavinum 3 (1985), p. 27–49.

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Navon Robert. The Pythagorean Writings: Hellenistic texts from the 1st cent. – 3rd cent. A.D. on Life, Morality, Knowledge, and the World. Translated by K. S. Guthrie and Th. Taylor. Kew Gardens, N.Y.: Selene Books.

Nielsen J.T. Irenaeus of Lyons versus Contemporary Gnosticism: A Selection from books I and II of Adversus Hereses. Leiden: Brill, 1977.

Nikiprovetsky Valentin. Etudes philoniennes. Paris: Cerf, 1996.

O’Meara Dominic J. Pythagoras Revived. Mathematics and Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989.

O’Meara Dominic J. The Structure of being and the Search for the Good. Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1998.

Orbe A. Cristologia gnostica I–II. Madrid, 1976.

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Osborn E. Teaching and Writing in the First Chapter of the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria. – Journal of Theological Studies 10 (1959), p. 335 – 348.

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