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Quispel G. Gnostic Studies. Vols. 1–2. Quispel G. Marcion and the Text of the New Testament. – Vigiliae
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The First Fifty Years. – The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years. Proceedings
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Aufsätze. Rudolph Kurt. Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism. Translation
edited by R. Mc. Wilson. Runia D.T. Exegesis and Philosophy: Studies on Philo
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Neoplatonic Tradition. – The Neoplatonic Tradition: Jewish, Christian and
Islamic, ed. A. Vanderjagt. Köln, 1991, p. 36–56. Runia D.T. Philo and the Church Fathers: A Collection
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Van Gorcum, 1993. Runia D.T. Philo of Runia D.T. Why does Clement call Philo ‘the Pythagorean?’ – Vigiliae
Christianae 49 (1995), p. 1–22. |
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